Luke and Graham are starting to play together. Luke continues to say that he "loves ELI" but "doesn't like GRAHAM". He told me the other day he wants Graham to go far away to be with Jesus. (our cat died and we told Luke she went to be with Jesus and this is what I think he was referring to). I told him that would make Mommy sad if Graham went to be with Jesus. In the next breath he is asking if Graham can play with him, or ride in the tractor with him, or watch him go pee. The other day, Luke and Graham were on the floor, and I don't know what Luke did, but Graham put his arms around Luke's neck and tackled him. Unfortunately, Luke just laughed (as did we). But give Graham a few months and he will be terrorizing Luke.
They have started to enjoy coloring and often are found on the picnic table, sometimes we fall off and go boom, other times we are pushed off or told we are invading "my" space. Graham still responds "yeah" to most questions so it is often funny to hear Luke talk to Graham during their play time. "Graham NO" is still the most popular thing out of Lukes mouth.
Just today i put them down for a nap at the same time. Graham has really started to like books, and takes one or 2 to bed with him. Well he had this duck book with a button that you push that "quacks". I had left them and gone downstairs to feed Eli and it is quiet then I hear Graham scream. Not his I am upset with being upstair, but his all out wail. I go upstairs and Graham is throwing a fit and Luke is just walking back to his bed with the duck book. Sure enough he went and took it from Graham in the crib and Graham wasn't happy. I think he would have tackled Luke if he could have. Instead I intervened and gave the book back to Graham and gave Luke another book and everyone was happy.
So I know the brotherly love will continue, especially with little Eli in the mix!!!
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