Monday, October 13, 2008

Something I do not recommend

This AM after I was getting out of the shower, I started to think if I had cleaned my contacts yesterday or not. I wore them in the morning and then decided to take an afternoon nap and couldn't think if I cleaned them or not. Not that this really mattered but I remember having those thoughts as I was getting ready to put my contacts in. I thought I did everything normal, but as I put my contact in my Left eye it burned really bad and I couldn't open my eye. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, until I was able to open my right eye and realized I had used the cleaning solution and not the saline solution to wet my contact for the morning. BIG MISTAKE. I quickly closed the drain and started pouring water into my eyes until I could open it and get my contact out. Then I proceeded to flush my eye for about 15 minutes. When it stopped, my eye still stung, so I did it for about 20 mins. At this time I could focus to read the bottle and it said flush your eye out with water until all irritation is gone. So I proceeded to put my glasses on and Joe was helping to get Luke ready, which was a big help. Then I went to work, where I had my vision checked. 20/20 in the R eye, and 20/40 in the L eye. Big difference from the bad to the good. So I called the eye doctor and when she got in at 9 I was actually doing much better. We talked about different things to be done, but decided to just keep flushing and see what happens. My eye is already better but I probably won't be wearing contacts for a good 2 weeks. So my suggestion is to NOT BUT CONTACT CLEANER IN YOUR EYE!!!!

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