Sunday, August 30, 2009


-my tummy really hurts Mommy (as we are sitting down for lunch)

-boo boo eye (after rubbing soap into his eyes in the shower), bandaid eye mommy (mommy places bandaid on the cheek since we all know you can't bandaid an eye) no Mommy-bandaid eye

-Luke do you want more apple? No thanks Mommy (how polite)

-What's that Mommy ? (repeated 100 times a day)

-No like :(' (with funny facial expression) as he tries Graham's cereal (graham makes an even worse face and screams when he gets it!!)


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Steelers vs Bills

The other night Joe goes, hey I am thinking of taking Luke to see the Steelers vs. Bills preseason game on Saturday. I said great, why don't you see if our friend Bob wants to go with Josh (big steeler's fans). The men decided they could do it! However after eating a nutritious dinner of hotdogs and tater tots for the kiddo's the 2/1/2 yr olds were officially wound up and running around the house screaming like crazy-the men looked at each other and said what were we thinking. The game starts at 730 pm, both boys are usually asleep by this hour. l.uke had 2 naps today and Josh took 1, so we are hoping for the best. But everyone was excited to see the FOOTBALL GAME!!! Everyone had their appropriate shirts on and were ready to go. Keep the men in your prayers tonight!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Photos of the Boys

Here are some recent Photos of the boys. I know it has been awhile but we have had computer problems and haven't been downloading our photos. Graham will be 4 months on Friday and as of last week was weighing in at 15 lb and 12 oz. I am quite confident that he will be 16 lbs by Friday. Luke weighed exactly 16 lbs at 6 months, so Graham is 2 months ahead!! We are already wearing out the 3 month clothes and into some 6 month ones already. Luke is enjoying life, trying to become potty trained and enjoys playing in the dirt and is just warming up to his brother!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Off to Philadelphia spend the weekend with Megan and the boys.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our grass

Now that we are moved in, we are in the process of trying to get our yard planted. When it rains, it is an absolute mud pit. In a few weeks, it will begin to get cool up here, so we are trying to get a lawn in before the weather turns. We were happy to see seedlings starting to come up.